Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Birthday Boy.

It's been a while since my last post, but I've been busy doing real life stuff. It's my thirty-third birthday today, so I've been celebrating that since the weekend. I had an extra special celebration today-I went to work and had a really shitty day! Still I had most of a nice bottle of cava (my erstwhile ex had the rest) when I got in, and opened the presents my kids got me. Where they got the money for two CDs and the God Of War 2 PlayStation game is beyond me. Bless 'em! Also thanks to the lads who came out with me on Saturday, and although it was a fairly uneventful evening, it means a lot to me that they came along. Thanks to Andy and Denise for my MySpace birthday greetings, it's so 21st century! Also, thanks to my dad, who for once, remembered it was my birthday today and ACTUALLY PHONED ME! (He was pissed...) Thanks, also for those people reading this who got me a gift; they're all gratefully received.
Here's to another thirty-three years!!


DanProject76 said...

33? Pah! Lightweight!

Try 34!

Happy Birthday.

Pacian said...

My gift was what I could have given you, but chose not to. You know, like a disease or something.

Mick said...

Dan: Trying to be 34 sounds interesting. I might try that next year.

Pacian: I might have got a disease from the licked-shut envelopes my cards came in.

cherry girl said...

Glad you had a good birthday and liked your pressies.

Anonymous said...

fuck that,try being 36 and never having anything published...
although i've only got myself to blame.

Mick said...

Being published is not that great, Jamie. As soon as you get published, you get bad reviews!