Monday, June 23, 2008

George Carlin R.I.P.

This video, as you may expect, contains some rude words, so be careful if you're at work or near children. If you're within earshot of a Christian fundamentalist, please play at maximum volume.
The world's a much poorer place now George Carlin's gone.


jamie said...

fuck me,they're dropping like flies this week.
he was a funny man.
god bless him,i don't think...

Unknown said...

Could have seen George Carlin live in Las Vegas but they only had one ticket left and I was there with Jen. We were getting married the next day and I thought it might be bad form to say, "See you later, I'm off to a comedy show." Now he's dead. Bugger.

Mick said...

Never mind. At least Joe Pasquale's still alive.