I am a bit happier, actually. I think there might even be a smile forming, but it's far too soon to tell for sure. It's always good to beat Liverpool, and doing it at Anfield is a fantastic result. As Brucie used to say, 'So much better than last week!' (Just imagine me typing that while jutting out my lower jaw to get the full effect.)
The homunculus 'Micktrimble' was hatched in 'No Hope' hospital, Sutton Coldfield in spring '74. As Sutton Coldfield was slowly dying, the homunculus' progenitors put their creation into a rocket and fired it at nearby Erdington. A primitive place, but it was thought that the creature would blend in; his talents hidden. He spent his young life endlessly doodling and honing his skills at moaning. At the end of his first instar, he spawned two more homunculi. He is now shedding his skin ready for his second instar and sketching childish doodles for publication in journals for similarly weak-minded fools.
things get off to a bad start?
Oh yes. Villa lost 2-0 to Wigan. It's the worst performance ever under O'Neill. Besides that, quite encouraging.
Suspect you might be a bit happier after this evening – first win in 18 at Anfield.
I am a bit happier, actually. I think there might even be a smile forming, but it's far too soon to tell for sure.
It's always good to beat Liverpool, and doing it at Anfield is a fantastic result. As Brucie used to say, 'So much better than last week!' (Just imagine me typing that while jutting out my lower jaw to get the full effect.)
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