Saturday, May 05, 2007

Art Update.

Welcome to the update of my art career, if you can call it that, as people who have a career tend to get paid for it!

An associate of mine who might be called Sanatogen or something took some photographs of those vans that have my artwork on them, and I don't just have the crappy one my old friend John took with his phone. There is proper proof they exist! That big building in the background is Birmingham's Council House, in Victoria Square. Hence the statue of ol' Queen Vic's back in the first pic. I'm surprised the pictures look as good as they do considering they've been blown up from an A3 piece of paper. The main arts champion figure can only be about 4" tall in his original state (That's 10cm to the people that can't measure in English.) but he looks good blown up to 6ft. There's not many people you can say that about.

Here is a newly launched website called Art Peeps, showcasing Midlands artists. Guess which chubby four-eyed Brummie is on there as well, then?

Also, if you link here, my work on the Jonas Moore thing is mentioned in an article. It doesn't say whether it's good or bad, but it is a mention of me from someone I've never met. In a very small way, that's fame, right?

Also I found this. It's a really badly written article on the comics scene here in Brum from the Birmingham Mail in which they misspell John McCrea's name, so they did. From that article is this photo of Jemima Cattel, from Hi8us' StripSearch scheme, and Andy Baker, A StripSearch alumnus, like me, and one of the organisers of last year's Birmingham International Comic Show. I post this pic because Jemima is holding up my artwork, it's page three of Never Strikes Twice.

Above is my contribution to the MC2 mini-comic. It's a one-pager I've written, drawn and star in called No Such Thing (Which, coincidentally, has the same initials as Never Strikes Twice, my other published self-penned strip. I can't wait for the next one, which might be called Neville Southall's Todger!) It's a pretty obvious plot, but I had to come up with it in a week, as it's on sale in Bristol next weekend and I don't think it's too bad, except for the fact that the child's Aston Villa pyjamas are now out of date because of the poxy new badge (see last post). Now it's done, and my chargrilled thumb is all better, I can now crack on unhindered at Septic Isle, and page four will be finished this weekend, hopefully.

Oh, and next week I'll be in Bristol for the Convention, so if you're in the area pop by the MC2 table, and say hello. Oh, and buy some stuff!

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